๐Ÿ’ทNFT Summon (Fees will be burned)

What is Currencies Summon?

With the synergy of 2 NFTs Currencies and $FXB token, you can summon a new NFT Currency

The Summon feature allows you to own a completely new Currency by combining 2 Currencies, a certain amount of $FXB tokens.

Two Currencies participate in a summoning. The newly summoned Currency is called the Collectible. An collectible will need to undergo laundering to be qualified to be recognized as a true Currency.


Main currency selection

To participate in the summoning as Main Currencies, 2 Currencies need to satisfy 2 conditions:

  • Not having the same Main

  • Not in a Main and Descendant relationship


  • Each Currency can participate in the summoning up to 10 times. In other words, each Main Currency will have a maximum of 10 descendants.

  • To perform, the player needs to have 2 Currency NFTs and pay a fee in the $FXB token.

Total $FXB fee/Summon = $FXB fee of Main Currency 1 + $FXB fee of Main Currency 2

$FXB fee of each Main Currency depends on rarity level and the number of times has participated in the summoning.

Once an Collectible is successfully summoned through Summon, all information about this Currency, including rarity, MP etc. are unknown. Collectible currency rarity, MP etc. will be revealed 12 hours after the summon. Collectible currency rarity is randomly selected. The higher the rarity of two Main Currencies, the greater the probability that the Collectible has a high rarity level and vice versa. However, the probability that 2 Main Currency with the same Common rarity can summon an Collectible currency with Legendary rarity is still there, although very rare.

The laundering process

  • After an Collectible currency has rarity, they are ready to undergo laundering to become a true Currency. The higher their rarity level, the longer their laundering time.

After the Collectible currency has completed the laundering process, this Currency is now ready to join the FxBox ecosystem. Staking, sale and etc.

๐Ÿ“บ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fxbox_io

Last updated